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Disposal of Property
Online Sales, Terms, and Conditions
Contract: An award of sale is a contract between the winning bidder and San Carlos Unified School District #20 upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. San Carlos Unified School District #20 may pursue all legal remedies allowed by law against any bidder who fails to make payment for a winning bid. Read more about Online Sales, Terms, and Conditions >>>
Auction Payment and Pick-up Procedure
Winning a bid: Once a bidder has won a bid, please follow the instructions for payment and pick up of bid item. Read more about the Auction Payment and Pick-up Procedure >>>
Auction Disclaimer
Winning a bid: Once a bidder has won a bid, please understand the terms and conditions for the sale. Read more about the Auction Disclaimer >>>
Pick-Up Location
The pick-up location is the San Carlos Unified School District's central warehouse at Highway 70 Milepost 270, San Carlos, Arizona 85550.

Auction Information
Public Surplus is the responsible party for conducting all auctions on behalf of San Carlos Unified School District.
Bidding Dates Online
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